Monday, July 21, 2008

Yeah... i don't use this blog alot...

Summer has been weird. The first month, i basically did nothing and my parents yelled at me for being a loafer and i stayed home all day watching tv relaxed... Now that i'm working, i'm really really tired everyday and the long hours kill my social life. I don't get enough sleep so i get cranky at my kids (who are 4-5 years old) and i come home and barely have time to talk to anyone online. I also have to help out coaching volleyball on Saturdays and church on Sundays so i feel really disconnected with people, especially Binghamton peeps. Sorry about that.
I'm hoping to catch up with Bing ppl soon but i don't know how thats gonna work out, with this dumb schedule... sigh. I've already thought about sophomore year!!!!! at Bing and i'm so excited but i've also been learning the importance of staying in touch with home church friends. We'll see how it balances... in a month! gah! I can't wait to see you guys, hopefully before school starts and i look forward to another wonderful year =]

haha.. o and i got my money back, if you guys are still interested! =P

1 comment:

michelle said...

oh sweet deal. glad you got your mulah back. :]
g.chow, don't be hatin on the lit'luns. (just playin :P)
talk to you soOn buddy :]